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Young job seekers and hipsters – This one’s for you!

Denise Sims

I have spoken with many college grads who are job hunting right now. Job hunting in this climate can be a challenge to say the least. The black hole of online resume’s can be grueling and isolating. While it is important to submit your resume online, it’s even more important to get yourself ’OUT THERE’! Meet some new people and do some fun networking. When you are job hunting it’s important to look your best. This means, whenever you are in public. You never know who you will meet or where you will actually find your ‘good match’ job. Many jobs are found through friends and networking. There are mixed reviews about best avenues to find ‘your job’, but several experts say more jobs are found through people than online. So what does this mean for you? . . . Online searching for events, mixers and meetups to get you off your computer and in to ‘Action!’ . . . Out in the world . . . face to face . . . with other people. Once you locate fun and interesting events book the dates in your calendar. The next step is, ‘show up!’

This means getting your act together and looking your best. There are many cost effective ways to achieve this on a budget. Thrift stores, end of year sales and consignment shops are a great way to look snappy on a budget. It’s important to know what you’re looking for, stay on task with the items you need and inspect all garments thoroughly. Your acquisitions should be in mint condition or very close to it. Don’t purchase anything that shows too much wear, has fraying or spots. Get a snazzy hair cut and some great shoes. You wanna get it ‘goin on’ from head to toe.

Image Consulting services can help you achieve your unique ‘look’ and style. You will go forward with confidence when you feel terrific about how you’re ‘Showing Up’!

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A B O U T   D E N I S E

Personal stylist for men and women in the San Francisco Bay Area. Specializing in men’s and women's wear for professionals, moms, athletes, politicians and entertainers. I assist with professional, travel, special occasion, dating, social, casual, photo shoots, Zoom meetings and work at home wardrobes.

Styling and shopping services available in Southern CA and many other cities nationwide. Bay Area Image Consultant.

Wardrobe Consultations also available on Zoom.









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P E R S O N A L   I M A G E   C O N S U L T A N T

166 Geary St.

San Francisco CA, 94108

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